A Cleaning Business’ Guide to Lead Generation

 In Articles

Generating leads for a business, especially for a cleaning company, is no easy task.

If you’re looking to ramp up the numbers for your cleaning business, then you’ll need to learn efficient and effective strategies for generating and converting leads. 

Let us fill you in on a few lead generation methods that will surely grow your cleaning business. 


The most common method of getting more leads for a cleaning business is to directly reach out to potential clients.

Cold calling is a method that’s been tried and tested over several decades. Most of the time, it has shown positive results in terms of generating high-quality leads. That’s because phone conversations allow you to understand your prospects better and generate personalized responses to their queries. 

While it does have its fair share of issues such as rejection, cold calling is still an effective means of engaging people who might need your cleaning services.   


You don’t just start a cleaning business and expect to build a fanbase right off the bat.  

You will need to build a reputation in the industry before you can even start to attract curious clients. Build a unique identity first through effective branding and, from there, you can let people know you’re offering cleaning services that suit their needs.


Promotional campaigns communicate directly with potential clients. It uses a “fishnet” method of gathering leads across a broad range.

Promotional campaigns may involve various online audience engagement channels such as email newsletters, blog posts, and social media. It’s only a matter of picking the right type of campaign for your cleaning business. Here are a few things you might want to consider. 

  • Coupons. Give out bonuses or discounts for those interested in your cleaning services.
  • Events. Organize an event related to your business such as a demonstration of a new cleaning tool or a workshop on cleaning techniques for major messes.
  • Partnerships. Partner up with a well-known brand or manufacturer of cleaning products and gain brand advocates along the way. For example, you can organize an event with a notable provider of eco-friendly cleaning solutions that will boost your company’s reputation . 
  • Gifts. Giving out gifts can help stimulate interest and attract potential clients for your business. It could be in the form of complementary services such as organizing and pet cleaning. You may also leverage social media or email newsletters for running promos . 
  • Free samples and trials. Homeowners will need to find out if you’re the right cleaning company to hire. They wouldn’t want to pay up just to know for sure, so it’s best to give them a free demonstration. Giving out free samples or trials can encourage people to make a booking so they get a clearer picture of what you can actually do.  

Getting more leads for your cleaning business requires hard work, persistence, and creativity. You will face rejection and people who are less likely to make a booking. Using the right lead generation strategies should make things easier.

As your business gains ground, you might want to hire a virtual assistant services provider to help you generate new clients.  

With OneVirtual Solutions, you can gain access to the skills and tools you need for growing your client base. Hire an OVS virtual assistant today and push your cleaning business forward.

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