5 Tricks for Nurturing E-Commerce Customers

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The relationships you have with your customers is integral to keeping your business afloat in the market.

Getting your customers aboard your company is already an exciting prospect, but unless you maintain a close relationship with them even, is what really matters when it comes to building a solid customer base.

Taking care of potential customers should be part of the overall strategy of your ecommerce business. Here are a few tips and tricks on how you can go about it:


Contacting your ecommerce leads ASAP is the first thing to consider as soon as they enter the sales pipeline.

If your customer signs up for your website or newsletter, you need to send follow-up messages that will lead them towards a landing page, encourage them to follow you on social media, or download an e-book or other types of free content. Be sure to have your customer service team ready and waiting to engage with a potential client as soon as they sign up.


Customer feedback is valuable to ecommerce businesses. It’s important to know what needs improving, so it helps to sit down with your customer service team and consider what your customers are saying about your products. 

Using the insights you generate, you can refine the way you engage your customers and have a better understanding of what prompts them towards deciding a purchase. 


Developing an effective email marketing campaign can help keep you in touch with your customers and influence their decisions.

Go beyond the usual welcoming email notifications for your marketing campaigns and send your loyal customers valuable offers such as discounts and exclusive deals that will encourage them to buy.

It’s only a matter of creating email templates with irresistible subject lines and compelling content that encourages your potential customers to stay engaged.


Engaging with your customers via live chat grants an opportunity to build closer relationships with them as well as provide immediate answers to specific issues or problems.

It never hurts to give a personal touch when interacting and communicating with your customers, so make sure you have available agents who can help with crafting authentic live chat experiences. 


A little gratitude goes a long way when it comes to nurturing your customers.

Receiving thanks from your customers is amazing, but it pays to also return the favor by expressing your own gratitude via email, live chat, or even a simple acknowledgment. People develop trust when they know you care a lot for them. And often, such a level of closeness can open up opportunities for high-vales sales deals later on.


Managing your ecommerce customers can be a difficult task to do all alone, but you can choose to outsource to experienced and highly-capable customer service virtual assistants.

After all, giving a human touch makes all the difference in turning initial contacts into lifelong engagements.

Get more ecommerce sales and build a solid customer base for your business with the help of OneVirtual Global Business Solutions. Contact us today!

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