Top Blog Topics For Raising Your Cleaning Business’s SEO Rank

 In Articles

You can never ignore blogging as an important component in the digital marketing marketing campaign of a cleaning company. Aside from providing valuable information, blog posts can help attract more organic visitors and raise the searchability of a cleaning company’s website. 

However, with all the content about cleaning that’s available right now, it has become a challenge for cleaning companies to come up with topics to write about. 

That being said, you’ll need to come up with a list of topics that add value and, more importantly, enhance your online visibility. 

Here are a few ideas you might want to consider:


The first things your readers will probably be seeking in a blog post are handy tips to help them clean their home faster and safer.

Blog posts featuring cleaning hacks and tips are fairly common on the internet for a reason, especially if they focus on a specific and easy way of cleaning a particular area around the house.

You might as well write about handy tips for cleaning kitchens, bathrooms, or the living room. Try to look for cost-saving hacks, but make sure to nudge them towards booking your cleaning service if they lack time to try out these hacks.


Writing about your own cleaning products can help boost your cleaning company’s search engine ranking. For instance, if you write about your disinfection services, you can make your brand engage homeowners who are actively looking for deep cleaning serves. 

You just have to provide details about the effectiveness and reliability and include keywords and phrases related to your offers.


What positive things have your customers been saying about your business? You can use that as a blog topic for your cleaning company!

You can write human interest stories that talk about how you helped your clients spend more time with their families and attain a cleaner and healthier home environment. For this, try reaching out to past and current clients and ask them if they can spare time for a short interview. You can then include high-value keywords for good measure. 


One blog topic that’s definitely worth writing about are the benefits of hiring a cleaning service in the first place.

These posts can convince your readers that hiring a cleaning service is the best move for getting their homes clean. But more than that, writing about such topics can also raise the quality score of your website. 


The right kind of blog post can help raise your cleaning business’s search ranking and draw in the right people. 

Then again, you may find yourself taxed for time or you may not even have any writers in your company to help you create quality content. For this, consider hiring virtual assistants with experience in content writing. 

OneVirtual Global Business Solutions specializes in providing virtual assistants who can help with the SEO and content marketing needs of your cleaning company. If you need help enhancing brand awareness and attracting more clients, schedule a consultation with us today!

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