4 Tips to Help You Save Money on Digital Marketing

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A 2017 article from Enterpeneur.com says that companies spend at least $75,000 per year on digital marketing. In another more recent article on Business2Community, small businesses will see their digital marketing budget rise to 45% this year. With the coronavirus pandemic still prevailing, it won’t come as a surprise when more and more businesses decide to migrate all their marketing efforts online.

Even then, businesses will still need to keep a level head when it comes to spending on digital marketing campaigns.

While it’s always important to generate new clients through your digital marketing campaign, you still need to keep your marketing budget from pulling your business down.

Here are a few ways you can save money on digital marketing and still convert more customers:


While using multiple channels can help generate more leads for your business, it only works if you have enough resources to maintain a digital marketing campaign of that magnitude. You are only spreading your resources too thin when you can focus a good bulk of it on a single, high-performing channel.

This is why it is important to keep tabs on your marketing analytics. Keeping track of your engagement rate and click-through-rate helps you identify those channels that generate the most opportunities. You can then allocate more time and effort in optimizing that channel so you won’t have to spend money on approaches that don’t simply work.


Perhaps the most effective way you can promote your business is by letting your clients do the work for you. As brand advocates, they can help you spread brand awareness and allow you to attract people from within their circles. You don’t have to pay anything, but you just have to give them a reason to talk about your brand.

It helps if you set up a loyalty program. You can offer existing clients discounts, freebies, and other perks in return for social mentions. You can also encourage them to post a review or share content by adding engaging calls-to-action. That way, they can help put your brand front and center for very minimal expenses.


Organic traffic is the golden nugget for many businesses. People who are actively looking for a certain product or service using a search engine are most likely to purchase such a product.

In order to get more high-quality leads from your search marketing efforts, you will need to update your keyword list with search terms that are highly relevant to the kind of products or services you are selling. Use tools such as SpyFu to find the best keywords in terms of ranking and competitiveness. That way, your brand gains a better position in the Search Engine Results Pages and attracts high-opportunity prospects.


Outsourcing your digital marketing campaign offers numerous benefits. For one, you get to tap into expertise and tools you may need to spend more for. This helps you save resources for other important components of your business.

When it comes to finding the right people to handle your online marketing activities, look for a company that specializes in virtual assistant services. More importantly, look for one that has proven experience in social media marketing, brand-building, web design, and web development so you are fully equipped to generate more business.


Give your digital marketing efforts a boost without exhausting your budget! 

Using the right strategies and having the right people on board, your business is well on its way towards greater growth!

Want to hire a virtual assistant? Get started by giving us a call today!

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