Why Your Ecommerce SEO Strategy is Falling Short

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Like it or not, your SEO or search engine optimization strategy for your e-commerce website will eventually fall short of delivering your targets.

Your website could be losing in terms of monthly visits and conversions. It might have gotten outranked by your competitors. Whichever the case, improving your SEO strategy should always begin by knowing why it is losing out.

Here are the four main culprits that drag your SEO strategy to the ground: 


Content is king in the world of e-commerce since customers require more information before making a purchase. Moreover, content is crucial for increasing your e-commerce brand’s search ranking.

If you are not updating your e-commerce website with fresh content, there’s a good chance for your searchability to decrease.

So, try to figure out the last time you posted content on your website. If it has already been too long, then consider creating a long-form blog or an infographic that your audience cares about. 


A poorly optimized website seriously damages the chances of maintaining a good position in the search engine results pages or SERPs. For this, you may want to conduct an audit to see what problems need fixing.

You know your website needs an update if you find the following issues:

  • A URL that is way too long
  • Bad links that lead nowhere or are confusing to navigate
  • Messy content that is unappealing to the eyes

There are lots more you need to watch out for, so make sure to hire a web design and web development virtual assistant to see what optimizations you might want to consider for your e-commerce website. 


Have you considered that you may have targeted the wrong audience for your e-commerce website?

This can be one of the many reasons your SEO strategy isn’t bringing in any revenue. Targeting people who don’t need a certain product will only result in a lower-than-average conversion rate and a higher bounce rate, both of which can affect your website’s ranking.

While you are in the process of assessing your SEO strategy, consider changing your keyword list. Look for phrases or terms that are targeted towards ideal clients. For this, you might need to include the location and type of product your ideal customers are looking for. 


Speaking of keywords, your e-commerce business has to focus on using keywords with high search volumes and clicks. 

Indeed, the battle for the top place in the search results relies heavily on the keywords you incorporate into your website. But as customer preferences and online behaviors change, you will need to structure your keyword strategy to better engage these dynamics.

For this, take time analyzing trending keywords and use tools like SpyFu to come up with an updated keyword list you can work with. Better yet, outsource your SEO to an offshore team that specializes in analyzing and optimizing your website for better visibility. 


SEO can be a tricky and lengthy process to undertake, which is why most e-commerce businesses choose to hire virtual assistants who have the right skills and experience for it.

OneVirtual Global Business Solutions has you covered with its team of web development virtual assistants who are ready to handle your e-commerce business’s SEO requirements. Get started by scheduling a consultation.

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