4 Ways to Improve Your Customer Service Resolution Rate

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The biggest challenge to providing effective customer service is being able to resolve a problem as quickly as possible. 

A customer may ring up the phone and your customer service team representative may either be ill-trained, equipped, or generally just not ready to deal with a serious situation. In this case, the process of resolving a problem becomes a minefield. A single error can rupture the relationship you have with your client. 

Confronting a problem on the line and being able to resolve it are the cornerstones of customer service. But how do you diffuse a situation before it damages your brand? 

Here are a few things to consider:

Creating customer profiles make it easier to pinpoint certain customer characteristics and analyze a company’s client base. This helps your customer service team to be more prepared by drafting call scripts for certain situations, from billing errors to dissatisfaction with a product or service.

It helps to segment your customers into groups. That way, you can have a good idea of their needs and use appropriate methods for walking them through their issues or problems. 


When it comes to delivering amazing customer service, you need to be aware of the gaps you need to fill in order to boost efficiency.

Take a bad call you’ve had recently and ask yourself a few questions such as:

  • What went wrong during the call?
  • Why was the customer dissatisfied with the resolution?
  • What escalated the situation?

Consider your shortcomings and weaknesses in your customer service and sit down with your team to discuss improving your approaches. You can revise your processes from there.


The amount of experience an agent has is a big factor in determining the outcome of your customer service engagements. 

That being said, additional training is never a wasted investment as it helps to improve your customer service team to serve your clients better. On top of that, it also provides additional skills that embolden your customer service team into doing better in resolving a client issue without the need of escalating it to the management


Investing in the right software can help improve how you resolve the problems and issues your customers encounter. 

Acquiring the right CRM platforms can help your customer service team set up a more straightforward process for resolving common issues and preparing for scenarios where an escalation is very likely. Tools like Salesforce and Hubspot can help your team stay organized and alert for any situation. 


Resolving complaints, issues, and problems is an art and a science. At any rate, your business needs the capacity to ensure client satisfaction in order to thrive. Nonetheless, improving your client resolution processes takes time and money.

In that case, the best way you can build a productive and effective customer service team is by hiring a team of customer service virtual assistants for your business.  

OneVirtual Global Business Solutions has got you covered through its contact center solutions that fit your needs. Contact us today!

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