Tips for Using Social Media Effectively in Customer Service

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The effective use of social media is the best way to keep in touch with customers and understand how they feel about your brand.

After all, social media has always been effective in bringing people together. It’s only a matter of knowing what to do with the platforms you have in bringing your business closer to your audience.

Here are a few tips to help you realize social media’s potential as a customer service channel:


Nobody wants to be kept waiting, not even on social media.

Whether a customer is posting a complaint or even a gesture of thanks towards your company on a social media post, response time is always important. Responding promptly to feedback shows that you care about what your customer base has to say about the products and services you are selling. So, even if you get a bad comment, it’s still best not to leave your audience hanging. 


Social media interaction isn’t always pleasant. Interactions can get heated and ugly, but it’s up to you and your customer service team to keep the situation from escalating.

Never answer a negative post about your company with equal negativity. Civility should always be played up, especially when it comes down to tackling negative comments.

Keep it professional. Ask your customer what you could do to help them. More importantly,  don’t over explain your side. Get straight to the point and move on from there.


Feedback is always important data to look through in customer service.

Even in social media posts, feedback from your customers is integral data to analyze and use to your company’s advantage. So, make it a habit to look at the responses on your social media posts and get a good understanding of what your audience thinks about your business.


Social media and customer service shouldn’t even be separated at all in the first place.

Your social media should integrate seamlessly with your customer service. In other words, it’s important to organize the kind of message you want to relay to your audience, especially when they have questions or issues that need your attention. 

For this, it helps if you hire customer service representatives who can also moderate your social media posts for you. 

On that note, virtual assistants know all about using multiple channels to address customer concerns. You just need to pick the right team to represent your brand on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms. 

Want to learn more? Schedule a consultation with OneVirtual Global Business Solutions today!

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