The Trends That Will Shape Your 2020 Business Strategy

 In Articles

Business forecasts see the global economy grow at a rate of 3.4% in 2020 despite an ensuing trade war between the United States and China and other disruptions that could affect supply chains. These can barely have any immediate effects on small businesses in the real estate and residential cleaning industries, but, it still pays to remain vigilant of developments that will define this new decade.

It is still too hard to see far ahead. No matter how uncertain the business landscape gets, businesses can still remain relevant and productive when they adopt the tools and strategies that lead to new opportunities for growth.

For this, here are a few important trends to watch out for in 2020:

Information is getting bigger and businesses have to upgrade their infrastructure to meet the demands of digital transformation. Moreover, big data will become even more valuable in developing multi-channel marketing strategies.

Data analytics will play a key role in helping organizations gather the needed insights for understanding audiences and determining the right mix of marketing tactics to use. Looking at the complexity in handling such a large volume of data, businesses may need to use a Cloud storage service and marketing automation software to reduce the amount of work that goes into market research and analytics tracking. 


There are numerous trends in digital marketing that businesses should follow, the most significant being Google’s focus on delivering quality search results to users. It is not enough for companies to conduct effective keyword research in a bid to raise their online searchability. Google will be focusing more intensely on user experience. Companies will be prompted to improve the loading speed of their websites and fix other performance issues along the way. These will require advanced skill-sets in web development and web administration to ensure consistent results all throughout.

Content, on the other hand, will still be an important element in generating leads and facilitating conversions in 2020. It is only a question of how companies will be optimizing their blog posts and other content assets for growing the bottom line. However, focusing on keywords alone will not necessarily lead to higher sales volumes. People need valuable information before they can make a decision to purchase. For this year, content has to address specific problems and offer fresh ideas. To attract modern B2C and B2B buyers, intensive research is needed to generate ideas for videos, articles, and other content types that provide an authoritative answer to specific problems.


Businesses must not ignore the value that effective customer relations management can bring to the bottom line, especially as audiences across all industries have become well-informed in choosing the perfect solutions for their needs. Social media will undoubtedly remain a staple as businesses seek to engage their audiences even more closely and respond immediately to their concerns, thereby giving these businesses a boost in their reputation.

Quality will be a top priority when it comes to CRM. And while they can always use machine-learning systems to develop personalized responses, companies are still better off hiring experienced customer service agents who can address questions in a more detailed and organic way. 


Learning about these trends is only half the battle. You also need expert help to tap into the numerous opportunities that 2020 will provide. Hiring an experienced virtual assistant for your web development, digital marketing, and CRM is the right way to go about it. 

For that, you might want to look for a company that provides quality virtual assistant services across these key areas. 

Contact OVS today to get started.

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