Changing Careers in the 2020s: A Survival Guide

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A full decade has passed, but what does it spell for your current career?

Maybe you got your first job or maybe you’ve been in a career for quite some time and you are wondering if this truly is where you’re destined to be.

Whatever the case, this new decade is still the best time to consider a career shift. The growing presence of artificial intelligence and automation provides new opportunities that make you want to jump ship and set sail for more prosperous waters. 

But before you take a dive into a new career this 2020, we’ve prepared a few pointers to guide you through: 

There are as many challenging jobs as there are job opportunities in the new decade. 

That said, it’s time to add new skill sets to your resume. Upskilling is necessary in the age of digital transformation. As software tools become even smarter, you may need to adapt to the current climate by acquiring new skills and being aware of recent innovations. 

If you’re aiming for a career as a virtual assistant, for instance, you will need to acquire at least two or three skills to get you started, and more as you go along. This raises your competitiveness in a market where the amount of skills you have matters a lot.

Upskilling can give you an edge in the age of AI. Click here to learn more. 


Is it really the right time to finally give HR that letter of resignation you’ve been shelving for so long? 

You might want to consider a few things beforehand:

  • Your finances. Do you have just enough money to last until you receive your first paycheck from your new employer? 
  • Will your job even allow it? Have you dedicated enough time and effort in this line of business that you’re sure they won’t let you leave?
  • Are you sure the market will be open? You may be leaving at a time where job applications may be dry and you won’t catch a position in miles. Not even an online job might take you in at this time, so give it some thought.


Freelancing jobs such as proofreading and editing are becoming more popular. The same goes for careers in virtual assistance whether office-based or home-based. 

The new decade offers a variety of jobs that have not existed before. You just have to make sure you have found a career that will give your space for professional development. 


Your colleagues might be pressuring you to stay where you are, but in this day and age, you’re better off working somewhere that offers something new every day, gives you ample space to grow, and lets you focus more on personal well-being. 

Heading back to the job market might be scary in this new age, but remember that the decade offers more opportunities and choices than ever before. A career change is ultimately still your decision to make, so don’t allow any influence other than your own to push you towards a more fulfilling life as a professional. 

Are you ready to take steps toward a new career this decade? Why not try a new field like being a virtual assistant?

Give us a call at 09065935852 or send your resume to [email protected] so you can start this decade working at a job you truly love!

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