Content Marketing is King, but…

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You should know that content is still king for obvious reasons. Businesses just can’t thrive without churning a blog post or two every week or producing helpful How-To videos.

In fact, an article from Forbes points out that businesses are investing heavily in content-based campaigns in a bid to generate higher sales volumes. At least 75 percent of businesses are increasing their content marketing budgets, thinking that this would help them meet their revenue goals.

For a business owner such as yourself, you would think that spending more on content marketing can get you the amount of sales conversions you aim for.

But what if we tell you this isn’t always the case?

The Problem with Content

Hear us out for a bit. Content is great because it adds value to your brand. Moreover, it allows you to prove your mettle as a reliable business partner to your target audience. And yet, it has become increasingly difficult to generate content that can impact your marketing.

Content is still king, sure, but in the mold of a possessed Theoden from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

So, what exactly is complicating the marketing efforts of businesses?

Here’s one bitter pill you need to swallow: Your competitors are doing the same thing you do. In other words, if you are going to create content about “The 5 Best Ways to Solve a Rat Problem,” expect your rival to counter with “The 6 Proven Strategies to Rid your Home of Rats.”

The race to get the most market share has contributed to what is known as “content noise.” Everyone wants to churn out the same thing, which makes it almost impossible for your brand to acquire the exposure it deserves.

What’s worse than competing with other businesses for specific keywords? Content that’s downright regrettable!

Most businesses think it would be a great idea to generate a constant stream of promotional material on a daily basis. They cite the principle of “more is better” to state their case. Still, they have to realize that the dynamics of content creation have changed. Prioritizing quality over quantity is the name of the game right now because Google wants to provide something valuable to online users.

Alas, quality has suffered because most businesses want to generate content that puts them on the map rather than inform and influence the right people. This again adds noise to the online landscape.

A while back, we talked about “content noise” and how it drives your blogs posts, videos, infographics and other content to the ground. One way you can make your voice heard is to gain brand advocates.

From the looks of it, businesses are relying more on their affiliation with thought leaders and industry personalities. It wouldn’t come as a surprise to see influencers become “content killers” who are out to assassinate the king.

Finding a way out of the noise

What we have listed above are just a few factors that complicate content marketing. Despite these challenges, you can still create effective content that gets a lot of attention.

To do that, you need to know what comprises an effective content strategy. Still, the most important thing to remember is that your audience should always be your main point of reference. By optimizing your content based on their needs, you are able to get the most value from the materials you offer across all content platforms.

You can also get the right skills that can help create engaging and relevant content for your target audience. Hiring a virtual assistant that possesses these skills is the best way to go. All it takes is just one click.

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